finance Tips
While researching this site we wanted to include every possible piece of information that a visitor may ask for, a complete credit card resource. However, with so many valuable pieces of information on how to save money and even make money with credit cards there are so many other little bits of research that we found interesting and want to include. We can't put all this information together with the credit card topics so we created this section; all about money saving and making ideas for your personal finance needs.
Personal Budgeting Tips
- Planning your Personal Finances
Budgeting is not exactly something that most people enjoy doing. It brings up connotations of cutting back, tightening the belt and making sacrifices. It need not be as drastic as this.
- Do You Need A Financial Health Check?
You can do most things online these days and checking your financial status is no different. There are many reasons why people might want to do this. In some cases, it could be because they are planning to apply for credit and want to see if they will get it.
- Personal Loans – Present and Future
More and more people are deciding to borrow. The statistics show that the level of personal debt in the UK is rising at among the highest rates in the world.
- Borrowing to Buy Your Own Home
The average price of a house in the UK is now well over £100,000, and not many people would be able to find such a huge sum hidden under the mattress. This means that the majority of us have to borrow to buy our home, and usually this means taking out a mortgage.
- Tips On How To Apply For A Loan Online
There was a time when if you wanted to apply for a UK personal loan you need to go and visit your bank and see your bank manager. With access to the Internet, this now seems almost as antiquated as the steam engine.
- Should I Apply For An Equity-Release Loan?
With bad news about how our UK pensions are fairing almost a daily occurrence at the moment, many homeowners in the UK are facing up to the fact that most of our equity is in the homes we own.
- Flashing The Cash
Loans have been a part of domestic finance for several centuries and lenders keep coming up with new ways to lend money to borrowers. One method that is beginning to catch on is the cash advance loan. This is also called a payday loan or cheque advance loan and there are many other terms to describe it.
- The Rules Of Borrowing
A mortgage is a legal agreement, and when you sign you are entering a legally binding contract. This means that you are bound to the terms and conditions of your mortgage – which can run to several pages of small print.
- Tips Getting The Best Mortgage Deal
Buying a property is likely to be the largest purchase you ever make – finding the right deal for you means choosing one mortgage from the many hundreds available. This will be much easier if you know what you’re looking for.
- Personal Accounts – An Overview
It’s one of the most important relationships you’ll ever have, and one that will last your whole life – you and your money. Yet many of us tend to neglect this area – ignoring our bank statements, muddling along with the same bank we’ve always used.
- Choosing Your Personal Bank Account
Choosing the right account means assessing your whole situation – whether you are a student on a tight budget or a successful businessperson with surplus cash to invest.
- Savings Accounts – Get Wise To Tax Issues
So, you’ve made your budget, planned a basic framework for your future, and worked out how much you want to save. But after completing your homework you certainly don't want to be blitzed by the tax man.
- Business Banking – Finding The Finance You Need
All businesses need money to start up, and run successfully. Before you start making an income from your enterprise, you will need to find sources of funding to cover the costs.
- Personal Accounts – Where To Find Advice
Visit any high street bank, and you can expect to find a customer advisor to help answer any questions you may have – as well as giving you a sheaf of shiny leaflets to read.
- Does Loyalty To Your Bank Matter?
Traditionally being with a Bank for a long period of time had influence when it came to borrowing money or making different arrangements with your bank.
- High Interest Bank Accounts – Maximising Your Savings!
From bonds, stocks and unit trusts to venture capital, there is a vast array of different types of investment to suit your saving needs. For those willing to take a risk with a chancier type of investment, the returns can be very rewarding.
- Investing Online – the benefits
One of the big developments in recent years of the Internet is the possibilities it opens to ordinary individuals to invest their savings more effectively.
- Finding The Right High Interest Investments
What you look for in your savings accounts differs from your day-to-day current account. Not only that, but you’d be well advised to spread your savings across different accounts and/or investments.
- Is ID Theft Inevitable In The UK Today?
No matter where we turn we hear the same story. Several millions of pounds are defraud from our bank and credit card accounts each year. Phishing e-mail are all the rage, such that it is now almost impossible for us to trust any e-mail that is not from someone we already know.