Credit Card Insurance
No sooner do you have a nice, shiny new credit card than the phone calls start. Would you like insurance, medical cover, extended this and extra that? The clever card holder resists the telephone sales pitches and reaches for the small print…
How To Avoid Paying Those Pesky Credit And Debit Card Fees
It seems that UK credit and debit card providers would like to charge us each and every time we use our plastic cards these days. While the charge for each separate individual transaction may not seem like much, add them up over a month or two and suddenly the amount has some value. So, how do we avoid having to pay pesky fees to UK credit and debit card providers?
How To Manage Your Store Card
Many major outlets offer store cards. These provide an easy way for consumers to defer payment for purchases. Store cards are promoted over public address systems in shops and by shop assistants at checkouts. So it's no surprise that there are more than 14 million store cards accounts in the UK.
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