2,000 Credit Card Details Stolen
A security breach in a UK store has led to MasterCard investigating the theft of 2,000 customers credit card details. The credit card giant has advised card issuers to close the accounts of the cardholders affected and issue new cards.
One MasterCard holder who had his card stopped as a result of the breach was told by his card issuer, Goldfish, that as many as 4,000 may be affected by the beach.
MasterCard were keen to stress their own system was still intact and had not suffered any breach of security. They also assured customers that they would continue to monitor credit card transactions for any signs of fraudulent activity.
One Clydesdale bank customer was fortunate enough the theft of her credit card details was discovered before the fraudster was able to use the card details. In this particular case the Clydesdale bank declined to comment in any detail except to say it had been made aware of the problem by MasterCard.
“ MasterCard is aware of a potential security breach at a UK-based retailer. But because this is an ongoing investigation, we cannot disclose specific details regarding the incident or comment, other than to say that we cooperating and we have notified the banks that issue MasterCard cards to monitor for any suspicious account activity and take the necessary steps to protect cardholders.” Said a source at MasterCard.
He added: “ MasterCard’s systems have not been breached and no MasterCard data have been compromised. MasterCard International is concerned whenever cardholders are inconvenienced and we will continue to monitor this event.
“ As usual if a MasterCard cardholder is concerned about their individual account, they should contact their issuing financial institution.”
Due to the investigation being ongoing, MasterCard refused to reveal how the breach actually occurred, whether it was only UK cardholders who were affected or which banks were affected other than the Clydesdale.
It is thought that the breach may affect Visa as well; with the company saying it has also notified issuing banks of affected cardholders.
A spokesman for Visa Europe said: “ Visa Europe can confirm that it is aware of a suspected data compromise involving a UK-based online merchant. A full investigation is continuing and Visa is working closely with all the appropriate organisations to resolve the issue as a matter of urgency.”
Last month a clothing retailer in Glasgow city centre was the subject of scrutiny when it was discovered that a bin in an alley at their rear of store was full of customers credit and debit card receipts that had not been destroyed. The store in question was severely criticised for this lapse in security, which fortunately did not result in card details falling into the hands of fraudsters.
Alisdair Milton
1st May 2006
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