Use your credit card to make money not to lose it!
With credit cards growing increasingly popular amongst consumers in the UK, and a wider range of cards than even now available on the market, financial experts are advising consumers to be mindful of the way that they use their credit cards in order to get value for money from them rather than losing money on them. Used in the right way, many of the credit cards on the market today could enable consumers to enjoy money saving benefits.
With cards that offer rewards such as cash back, rewards points, or air miles, it is important that the consumer uses the card regularly in order to clock up as much of the rewards as possible. However, it is equally important for the consumer to ensure that the balance on the card is repaid in full at the end of each month, otherwise the interest charged on the balance could far outweigh the benefits of any reward received for spending on the card.
For those that cannot repay the balance in full on their credit cards each month a rewards based card is likely to be of little benefit, as you would make bigger savings by opting for an interest free card that enabled you to spread your repayments without charging interest than you would using a rewards based card that offers points or cash back but then charges high rates of interest on the outstanding balance on your account.
Consumers can also save money by transferring any existing credit card balance on which they are being charged interest onto a 0% balance transfer card, which will give them time to repay the balance on the credit card without having to pay interest for the specified period. Once the balance has been cleared they can then hunt around for another more suitable card.
Alisdair Milton
20th December 2006
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